16 Dec Scene in Capella Prefunction
Every project has its own specialty and difficulty. Only if we control each progress well then we could finally accomplish it

The final result of the prefunction area of Capella is really gorgeous.To achieve the result we need some skill , attitude and effort to make this happen. First we pick the good quality sliver travertino slab and make serious cutting plan to make sure the pattern could connect smoothly.

It is never easy to work in this kind of high end project.
The project owner and consultant company or mangement company will come to check the slab first then confirm we could use this slab in the project. Then, the most difficult part started which is stone floor pattern simulation.

The only issue is that marble vein can not be uniform, so it is really hard to arrange the marble tile into a smooth feeling when we start to dry lay on the floor. So choose the right slab or pattern is really relay on experience and need lots of effort on it.

To make sure the final result is extremely important for the scale project. DSDG take every project seriously and solve the problem with a pragmatic view.